This past week I read so many news stories about various efforts and restrictions aimed at people who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19, and I became so frustrated and frankly, frightened by what I was reading, that I intended to write a long and detailed piece about why this way of thinking is misguided and dangerous. But then I woke up this morning and saw this on the side bar on Twitter:
Experts say masks are effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19? Interesting. I guess there were some new randomized controlled trials, or perhaps a meta analysis was just released that supported this conclusion. I mean, why else would we have such a conclusive sounding statement that was apparently made by “Experts?” And why today, if there isn’t something new that all of us should be made aware of? So I did what so few people actually do, and I started chasing through the links to find out just who these experts are and what new, scientific information they were bringing to the public’s attention.
Clicking that sidebar link, what you will see is this:
OK, so, we get an expansion of the sidebar text. Apparently, the CDC is telling unvaccinated people to wear masks (nothing new here) and telling vaccinated people to wear masks indoors (the CDC has been wishy washy about this of late). And there at the bottom, we see the “experts” are mentioned again. There is no hyperlink, but if you scroll down, you’ll see that Twitter has some bullet points for you:
OK, so apparently this new, trending sidebar link was spurred on by some updated CDC guidance. We see that health “experts and authorities” as well as “fact-checkers” are getting referenced again in a very vague way. No links, no data, no citations, just “trust us, this is what smart people think.” If you scroll down a bit, you will see that the CDC’s Twitter profile is at the top of the heap beneath this “What you need to know” section, and the highlighted tweet says this:
Holy shit! A hyperlink! Let’s click it! It is sure to lead to the experts and fact checkers! For those who want to join in on this adventure, this is that link.
OK, so where did we end up when the Twitter tornado set our farmhouse down? We get a page that offers us this:
We are greeted by a push to get vaccinated, so no surprise there. Where is the big new evidence for the efficacy of masks? Where are the experts and fact-checkers?
Let’s stop for a minute and put a critical eye to what we’re looking at. I am not trying to be a horse’s ass. I’m not trying to push an agenda. What I am trying to do is view this situation as an ordinary person would view it, who maybe has heard some back and forth about masks and who isn’t quite sure what to believe, so they decide, “You know what? I am going to click this Twitter link to learn more so I can make educated choices.” After all, isn’t that what we want from people? We don’t want them blindly believing everything they see on Twitter, we want them seeking information from the scientists and researchers who do the experiments that form the basis for reasonable conclusions.
If I am this hypothetical person, I have now found my way to the CDC website, seeking expert opinion on how masks prevent the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and have immediately found myself at a busy intersection of options. Do I click the “Guidance for People Fully Vaccinated” link? Do I click the “Guidance” or “Science Updates” links, (that are not even presented as links)? My point is: This shouldn’t be difficult! Why is the work of the “experts” and “fact checkers” hidden in a funhouse maze of confusing options? For the past year and a half, the most COVID cautious have yelled about “following the science,” yet for any regular Tom, Dick, or Harry who tries to do just that, the CDC has made an indirect and demoralizing quest a la Barley Lightfoot in Disney’s Onward.
So let’s grab our walking sticks and flashlights, and start hiking around through some of the options we have before us. My first guess was the “Science Updates” link might hold the information that I seek, so join me fellow adventurer in clicking this link.
And…if only I could take a larger screenshot because that link leads to this:
There is actually a bunch more beneath this, including links under a “Data and Surveillance” heading, as well as many links to “Recent CDC Articles.” Remember, we are regular Schmoes from Twitter. We are escaping work for ten minutes to take a poop, and we were only planning to look at what bathing suit Kim Kardashin was wearing this weekend or maybe what hilarious thing UFC fighter Derrick Lewis had to say after Saturday’s bout. But, we saw that Twitter Inc. wanted us to know that the “experts” had evidence of mask efficacy, and we thought, “you know what, it’s time to take a minute as a responsible member of society to see what this is all about,” and after now clicking three links, each time leading us to a page with more and more forks in the road, we have found nothing obvious to back up the statement about masks. We haven’t even seen the word “Masks.” We just keep being given more options for hyperlink teleportation to internet parts unknown, and frankly, we’re getting bored. We’re starting to imagine Kim’s delicious brown ass, and this whole mask thing is losing its grip on our frontal lobe.
Is that the point? The more skeptical among us are going to begin to wonder if the cascade of choices, the Plinko game of “maybe I go this way, or is it this way?” that sends those who we’re curious enough to drop what they were doing and to seek out the “expert” opinion to begin with, is all designed to be a giant bore, that the meandering is the point. The more skeptical and cynical among us are going to think, “I bet the reason it’s so hard to find the data is because they don’t want us to find it, because it either is very flimsy, or because it doesn’t exist at all.”
For the record, on the “Science and Research” page, I then clicked the “Current Updates” link. That is a logical choice, I feel, for someone traversing the wastes of this government website on the hunt for whatever supposed new information the “experts” have found. If you are still following this Choose Your Own Adventure story with me, click here.
You will find yourself on a page with a lot of links to studies about various facets of the COVID-19 pandemic, and if you scroll down a good way, you will find what seems to be the treasure we have been hunting, studies on “Prevention, Mitigation and Intervention Strategies.” All right! Finally! The Phoenix Gem!
Or not. Nothing on masks.
Maybe there is some new study, but even I am losing interest. How much time does a regular, everyday Joe Scratch-and-win have to walk the halls of the CDC website like it’s the goddamn Library of Congress? This site should be like the Bellagio instead, and put the big pay out slot machines right up front. If you want your nation to be up to date on the latest science, you don’t run them through a labyrinth of options until they decide it’s not worth looking any more. You put a big, bold face link on the front fucking page, or even better, on every fucking page, so we can’t possibly miss it! We can only pretend to be taking a dump for so long before our bosses are going to know that we’re just playing around on our phones.
At least the CDC offered this option when I clicked for “Current Updates”
Now I know what I’m doing on my next bathroom break.
This is The Church of COVID, our members are The Covidians, our doctrine is The Science™. Our religion is still new and evolving, so i'll update this periodically as new revelations come down from on high. This is here so that everyone can stay on the same page.
Structure of the divine pantheon
Dr. Fauci (578 masks be upon him) is our prophet, his body is host to the spirit of public health they are one in the same, he is the most holy being in existence what he says goes.
One tiny step below him is a host of Arch Angels - divine figures of such influence that their pronouncements are used by the Arch Cardinals to create laws and edicts which we must all follow - they must also be praised.
Below the Arch Angels is the Arch Cardinals – divinely inspired humans that lead over some geographical area be it a city, state, province, or entire country, that has used the wisdom of Fauci or the Arch Angels (10K masks be upon them) to design holy policy that protects us all - we hold them in reverence but do not have to praise them when we speak their names.
Why do you say ‘mask(s) be upon him/her/them’ when speaking the names of Fauci (375K MBUH) or one of his Arch Angels?
The Church of COVID demands that divine figures be blessed when speaking their names, the mask is holy, the more masks you wish upon someone the stronger your blessing.
Why are some pictures of The Prophet/Arch Angels/Arch Cardinals unmasked not marked NSFW?
People of this level of esteem are always masked, if you can’t see that you simply do not have enough faith. Begin self-flagellating immediately.
What is The Church’s position on vaccination?
Vaccines are The Great Prophet Fauci’s (736 Vigintillion MBUH) holy sacrament. Everyone should be vaccinated. Get every COVID vaccine. Multiple times. In fact, just get an IV drip of vaccines and take them continuously.
Aren’t you worried about side effects?
There are no vaccine side effects. Every one of what the anti-vaxxers call “side effects” we call spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are how you know that Fauci (9378 Billion MBUH) saw that you took the vaccine and has decided to bless you for doing so.
What is COVID in all this?
COVID is a fallen Arch Angel that possesses Anders Tegnell and is the evil that we fight against and structure our lives around, the coronavirus is the way that COVID takes control of your body, you must avoid this at all costs.
COVID has many Satans that do its bidding and spread evil, lies, and misinformation. Notably the Orange Satan, and Ron DeSatan. We will find others over time.
What happens when I die?
If you are found virtuous enough (no non-Covidians are) you will don your mask of eternal virtue and join Dr. Fauci (5.28 x 10^8 MBUH) in an everlasting Zoom call!
If you are not virtuous enough you will be placed on the ventilator of the damned and cursed to sail a hospital ship on and endless lake of fire and brimstone for eternity.
What is Faucidan?
Faucidan is like the Muslim month of Ramadan but better, it is our great celebration, a holiday of varying length and start date, where we have holy lockdowns, Zoom™ calls, and wear masks even at home to show everyone how virtuous we are.
What must I do to obtain virtue?
Members must follow all revelations and dictates from our prophet The Holy Dr. Anthony Fauci (2.6 Billion MBUH) and his Arch Angels.
The commandments are as follows:
Thou shalt not take the name of Fauci (11.41 Billion MBUH) or any other divine figures in vain. They must be praised either before or after you speak their names.
Thou shalt not be seen without your mask. Your mouth, henceforth known as face anus, and nose, henceforth known as face penis are vile and obscene, cover them up.
Thou shalt not touch anything without immediately using hand sanitizer before and after contact.
Thou shalt not question The Science™, you will know it is The Science™ because it will agree with The Holy Dr. Fauci (1.3 Trillion MBUH).
Thou shalt not come within 6' of another person without a barrier between you.
Thou shalt not attend a gathering of more than 10 people, unless it is a BLM rally, then the acceptable number is unlimited.
Thou shalt not study statistics for it is foolishness.
Thou shalt not study history for it is full of the unmasked.
You shall shame others who violate any of these commandments.
You shall show the people of the world your virtuousness through social media that they may join you. Talk about the church in other subs, and post about outrageous and holy things alike here.
Who are the Arch Angels?
We must figure that out. If you think you know who they are post here, if enough people demand it we can put it to a vote.
Here is the current list of confirmed Arch-Angels: Rochelle Walensky, Director of the CDC (5 MBUH), Xi Jinping, President of China (973 MBUH), Daniel Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia (297K MBUH), Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand (736 Million MBUH)
What is the ritual to join The Church?
First you must connect to one or more current members via Zoom™ call as all inductions require witnesses.
You will don at least 2 masks and apologize for your nakedness.
You will face toward the CDC, kneel, and pray to Fauci (500 Trillion MBUH) that he will forgive you of your sin and denial of The Science™.
You will baptize yourself in hand sanitizer to signify your cleansing.
And that’s it, you will be a Covidian and forever saved from the ventilator of the damned!
I LOVE THE OUTDOOR TOWN POOL,, THE BANK SECURITY GUARD BUZZZED ME IN MASKLESS 4 MONTHS AGO, You need an electron microscope to see a virus. This is a bad Twilight zone episdoe,idiots driving cars wearing masks,I am Italian but was eating sitdown at a cozy restauenr when UGLY murphy had dinimg closed,Call Me , off line for 2 RESEARCH selenium immune system
These idiotic masks do not even allow You to smile at another human being or breathe normally,pure insanity this is,comprable to using c a chain link-fence for a window screen.
I walk in all smal stores and restaurnts,maskless,I casually affect a fait accopli and just walk right in,Enough said,Cheers,Mark GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEES WEARING MASKS PICTURE, this CULT OF CORONA BROUGHT A "taliban" to the USA :(
In view of the facts mentioned above it seems logical to assume that sodium selenite could represent a potential agent for the prevention of viral infections including coronavirus, according to the mechanism suggested for the Ebola virus [21]. In the paper presented by Jayawarden [22], the authors stated that selenium supplementation inhibited the development of polio and influenza virus. Which also agrees with our hypothesis that selenium strengthens the immune system. This element increases the proliferation of natural killer (NK) cells. Selenium also has a positive effect in combination with some vitamins (D, E) as presented in the work Delesderrier et al. [23]. The combination of phytoncides found in onions along with selenium increased T lymphocyte proliferation [24]. In addition, selenium reduces the formation of thrombosis in the blood vessels. According to Fogarty [25], blood coagulation disorders leading to the formation of micro-clots are a significant cause of death in patients with COVID-19. We believe that the use of sodium selenite in anticoagulation therapy may reduce the risk of blood clots forming (formation of high-molecular polymer - parafibrin) in patients with COVID-19 particularly at risk for its severe course. It should be mentioned that this chemical reagent is rather inexpensive and readily available. It is only unfortunately that physicians, having limited knowledge of this mineral, cannot understand that such a simple chemical substance can have such dramatic health effects.
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Busta Rhymes FAMOUUS RAPPER is right, f*ck your mask - YouTube
Mark from the outdoor pool ,anti-mask links,Cheers,OFFLINE FOR A FEW WEEKS,ENJOY THIS SUNNY DAY,Mark ) EFFECTIVELY TREATS coronavirus (all the medical journal articles showing masks are useless as You need an electron microscope to see a virus.)TAKE NUTRIENTS,SELENIUM VITAMIN D,VITAMIN C INSTEAD, EFFECTIVE MEDICINE SUCH INVERMECTIN,ZITHROMAX ETC IF YOU GET SICK.
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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, August 23, 2021 9:39 AM, Reddit <> wrote:
10:00 AM (27 minutes ago)
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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, August 23, 2021 9:59 AM, I_LOVE_OUTDOOR_TOWN_POOL <> wrote:
I LOVE THE OUTDOOR TOWN POOL,, THE BANK SECURITY GUARD BUZZZED ME IN MASKLESS 4 MONTHS AGO, You need an electron microscope to see a virus. This is a bad Twilight zone episdoe,idiots driving cars wearing masks,I am Italian but was eating sitdown at a cozy restauenr when UGLY murphy had dinimg closed,Call Me , off line for 2 RESEARCH selenium immune system
These idiotic masks do not even allow You to smile at another human being or breathe normally,pure insanity this is,comprable to using c a chain link-fence for a window screen.
I walk in all smal stores and restaurnts,maskless,I casually affect a fait accopli and just walk right in,Enough said,Cheers,Mark GUANTANAMO BAY DETAINEES WEARING MASKS PICTURE, this CULT OF CORONA BROUGHT A "taliban" to the USA :(
In view of the facts mentioned above it seems logical to assume that sodium selenite could represent a potential agent for the prevention of viral infections including coronavirus, according to the mechanism suggested for the Ebola virus [21]. In the paper presented by Jayawarden [22], the authors stated that selenium supplementation inhibited the development of polio and influenza virus. Which also agrees with our hypothesis that selenium strengthens the immune system. This element increases the proliferation of natural killer (NK) cells. Selenium also has a positive effect in combination with some vitamins (D, E) as presented in the work Delesderrier et al. [23]. The combination of phytoncides found in onions along with selenium increased T lymphocyte proliferation [24]. In addition, selenium reduces the formation of thrombosis in the blood vessels. According to Fogarty [25], blood coagulation disorders leading to the formation of micro-clots are a significant cause of death in patients with COVID-19. We believe that the use of sodium selenite in anticoagulation therapy may reduce the risk of blood clots forming (formation of high-molecular polymer - parafibrin) in patients with COVID-19 particularly at risk for its severe course. It should be mentioned that this chemical reagent is rather inexpensive and readily available. It is only unfortunately that physicians, having limited knowledge of this mineral, cannot understand that such a simple chemical substance can have such dramatic health effects.
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Funding source statement
Busta Rhymes FAMOUUS RAPPER is right, f*ck your mask - YouTube
Mark from the outdoor pool ,anti-mask links,Cheers,OFFLINE FOR A FEW WEEKS,ENJOY THIS SUNNY DAY,Mark ) EFFECTIVELY TREATS coronavirus (all the medical journal articles showing masks are useless as You need an electron microscope to see a virus.)TAKE NUTRIENTS,SELENIUM VITAMIN D,VITAMIN C INSTEAD, EFFECTIVE MEDICINE SUCH INVERMECTIN,ZITHROMAX ETC IF YOU GET SICK.